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Activating Manifestation

Activating Manifestation: The Power of Physical Awareness

May 13, 20242 min read

“And what about your mind? Is it a whirlwind of chaotic thoughts, racing from one idea to another? Or does it remain clear, calm, and focused?” - Beth Karpinski

If you were to perform a mental scan of your body right now, where would you notice tension? Perhaps your forehead feels tight, your brows furrowed, or your jaw clenched. Maybe your neck and shoulders carry the weight of stress, or your stomach and hips are held tightly. On the other hand, you might feel warmth, relaxation, and heaviness in your muscles.

Now, pay attention to your breath. Is it shallow, causing you to sigh and yawn frequently? Or do you breathe deeply, feeling each breath fill your lungs and belly completely?

And what about your mind? Is it a whirlwind of chaotic thoughts, racing from one idea to another? Or does it remain clear, calm, and focused?

8 Reasons

These physical and mental indicators aren't just random sensations—they hold the key to your overall well-being AND your ability to manifest your desires. Let's explore why:

1. Health and Stress:

We’ve been told for decades how stress takes a toll on our bodies. It affects our immune system, digestion, and overall vitality. Recognizing these stress indicators is crucial for maintaining physical health. But there's more to it.

2. Manifestation Blockers:

Surprisingly, stress also interferes with our ability to attract what we want in life. When we're tense, anxious, or overwhelmed, our energy becomes constricted, and we build up resistance. This constriction acts as a barrier, preventing our desires from flowing toward us. Our nervous system begins to act like an armor, refusing to let the good stuff in!

3. The Relaxation Connection:

Imagine a different scenario. You intentionally relaxand stretch all your muscles, clear your mind of scattered thoughts, and take deep,deliberate breaths. In this state of total relaxation and centeredness, you become a magnet for your dreams. This is the essence of manifestation.

4. Daily Practice:

Cultivating this state isn't reserved for special occasions—it's a daily practice. Set aside time each day to release tension, quiet your mind, and visualize the life you desire. Even better, several times throughout the day, perform a mental scan and start to notice when you are holding onto stress or tension. Consciously decide to let the tension go and take a few cleansing breaths to release the resistance. As you do so, you'll notice positive consequences rippling through your life.

Remember, your body and mind are powerful tools for manifestation. Use them wisely,

and watch your dreams become reality.

If you would like more information about how to intentionally attract more of what you want into your life, check out this 60-minute video:

“Manifest Your Destiny: The 6-Step Code to Living Intentionally and Overcoming Life's Obstacles!”:

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Beth Karpinski

Founder of C.R.E.A.T.E.

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C.R.E.A.T.E. is for women who are sick of playing a support role in their own life and are ready to become the lead actress & director!

There is nothing you cannot have. There are no limitations. Just keep manifesting!

~Beth Karpinski


"Experiencing C.R.E.A.T.E was life-changing for me. It clarified a path for me to take and that I truly had a purpose or even purposes left to realize."

Mary Ann B.

"I came into this group coaching course with a baseline idea of manifestation, law of attraction, etc - but Beth has helped me understand on a deeper and more relatable level!! Her format for CREATE-ing the business and life of your dreams is simple to understand and implement!! I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in the group course - Beth has a true heart for helping people stay aligned with their inner guidance and seeing them succeed!!!"

Taylor W.