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Design the Life you Desire

Design the Life you Desire 

March 18, 20244 min read

“We are the architect that gets to carve our reality.” - Beth Karpinski

Design the Life You Desire

In the quiet corners of our hearts, we harbor dreams—the kind that ignite our souls and propel us beyond the ordinary. These dreams aren’t mere whims; they’re the blueprints of our destiny. And guess what? We are the architect that gets to carve our reality.

While this power is quite magical… it’s not JUST a power, but a responsibility.

Here are 5 tips to help you take the power AND the responsibility to create an intentional life that houses all your dreams:

 5 tips

Here are 5 tips to help you take the power AND the responsibility to create an intentional life that houses all your dreams:

1. Ownership

Recognize that it is your job. You get one life.

ONE! It’s time to take ownership and stop allowing your relatives, your boss, society, or a set of rules that you did not create, dictate what YOUR life gets to look like! It’s both an honor and a privilege that too many people ignore.

And quite honestly, you are the only one who will have to live with the consequences of the life you create… therefore, you need to be the one to decide what it looks like. I recommend being very intentional about this decision.

2. Clearing Mental Barriers

Our minds harbor both wisdom and clutter. Clear out the debris. Every time you catch yourself saying, “I am not ________ enough”, that is a big fat lie. Those are limiting beliefs… and they are absolute dream killers. When this happens, scrutinize it. Then tell yourself a new truth.

For example, I’ve heard many of my clients admit that they tell themselves that they are “not smart enough.” Heck… I catch myself saying this too! When this happens, recognize it. Then be real. Are you truly not smart enough? What would it look like if you were? How old were you when you made that determination? Was there a circumstance that triggered that belief? (I mean seriously scrutinize it!)

Many clients realize that there was a circumstance that happened as a child when they began to tell themselves that story. Then it just stuck with them since and became a skipping record in their head.

You need to be able to stop yourself in these thoughts and scrutinize their legitimacy.

I promise… you are perfectly enough.

3. The Urgency of Now

Time isn’t patient. It slips through our fingers.

Today is where your power lies… right now. You are not too old, you are not too young, you are not too fat, too out of shape, too skinny, or too busy. Those are all excuses. Live deliberately. Prioritize. What matters more than your ONE life?

The past? It’s archived. The future? A foggy horizon. But now, this heartbeat, this breath, is where your power resides.

4. Intentional Living

Imagine life as a restaurant menu. While each dish sounds very tasty… you don’t prefer, or even like everything listed, right? So when you are eating out, you choose thoughtfully.

Relationships, possessions, habits—they’re all part of your menu. Make sure you are choosing to include only your very favorites. There are plenty of options, but you need to choose thoughtfully which you wish to include in your life. Life is just too short to eat bad food… and life is just too short to include people, possessions, and habits that are not your favorites. Choose with care.

5. Pay Attention to Your Emotions

Sometimes… really bad things happen. Situations that make you feel like your heart is literally getting ripped out of your chest. It’s hard to breath.

I will never tell you to ignore your feelings. In fact, I will tell you to pay very close attention to them. As you are feeling them, hold the intention that you will try to feel better.

Sometimes that means coddling yourself with self-care. Sometimes that’s allowing yourself to wrap up in a quilt and binge watch Netflix for a full weekend. That’s okay if it comes from a place of nurturing your heart… not from a place of “giving up.”

If victimhood tempts you, remember: getting stuck in this emotion is a very dangerous and slippery slope. Feeling like a victim attracts more people, things, and situations that will make you feel like a victim.

So what can you do instead? Feel sad. Take care of yourself and treat yourself with love. Maybe eat some comforting food and get lots of rest. Take long, hot baths. Do anything that feels good to you! But do it with the determination that you are loving yourself better… and keep the hope that it will get better. It may take time. It may take a LOT of time. But love yourself through it with the intention of eventually feeling better.

Please stay tuned for the entire series:

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Beth Karpinski

Founder of C.R.E.A.T.E.

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C.R.E.A.T.E. is for women who are sick of playing a support role in their own life and are ready to become the lead actress & director!

There is nothing you cannot have. There are no limitations. Just keep manifesting!

~Beth Karpinski


"Experiencing C.R.E.A.T.E was life-changing for me. It clarified a path for me to take and that I truly had a purpose or even purposes left to realize."

Mary Ann B.

"I came into this group coaching course with a baseline idea of manifestation, law of attraction, etc - but Beth has helped me understand on a deeper and more relatable level!! Her format for CREATE-ing the business and life of your dreams is simple to understand and implement!! I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in the group course - Beth has a true heart for helping people stay aligned with their inner guidance and seeing them succeed!!!"

Taylor W.