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How it Started

January 04, 20244 min read

“Joy comes from living an authentic life, activating your creative powers, and freely pursuing your dreams!” - Beth Karpinski

How it Started...

In the fall of 2022, during my typical morning routine of journaling and meditation, I was inexplicably moved to create a coaching course.

At the time, it was clear to me that this idea was not mine alone but guided by GUS… what I call Higher Power.

(GUS stands for God, Universe, and Source.)

8 Reasons

The course that came to me was to help people who struggle with goal setting and achieving.

I am not just talking about normal goal setting, but truly manifesting the dreams that are in your heart.

This course tumbled out of me and onto paper, as though I had been planning and preparing it for years.

And I guess in many ways, I was… unconsciously and through life experience.

(I have literally been studying this topic for the last 30 years!)

The name of the course was clear to me:


Each letter in the word signified one step in the process.

Now, to those of you who are spiritually inclined, this concept may not seem very weird to you, because when we take time to listen to our inner guidance, our inner guidance does what it does best: it guides us.

But for me to write a coaching program was weird.

Now, mind you, I have produced coaching programs before, this was not the first time.

In fact, in 2012, I wrote a coaching workbook and produced a series of 26 DVDs that completely walked participants through a holistic wellness journey.

However, that was a past life and career, and was not my situation anymore. I was no longer a coach. I was a financial advisor. Why the heck was inner guidance writing coaching programs through me? This had absolutely NOTHING to do with my current situation.

Of course, I put it aside and tried not to think about it.

Except when I didn’t.

I found it fun to think about. Sometimes, I even woke up at 3 AM giving speeches about it in my head.

But what was I supposed to do with a coaching program as a financial planner?

C.R.E.A.T.E. continued to stalk me.

It created a battle between my heart and my head.

My heart wanted to share it with the world.

My head chastised me because I had worked so hard for the past eight years building and growing a business, studying endless hours for licenses and designations, and growing particularly fond of those special clients who had trusted me for guidance.

I could not walk away from that! I would be letting so many people down!

For a time, I eased my heart AND my mind by putting that dream on the “someday” pile.

That worked for a hot second.

…Well, at least I told myself it was working.

Meanwhile, I began feeling like I was in a cage.

I was becoming resentful for no reason of which I could think.

These feelings grew until I got a bit of a health scare.

No doubt, my body had to express these growing, unsettled, and resentful, trapped feelings somehow.

And while that medical scare was “cleared” for the time being, I was warned that I had an incredibly high likelihood of developing cancer down the road.

My “genetic gun” was loaded, and I needed to be very careful not to do anything to trigger it.

As I was recovering from the exploratory surgery that this scare required, that “someday dream” of C.R.E.A.T.E. kept nagging me… louder and louder.

It seemed that I could no longer ignore or push it off.


These feelings were so loud, that I needed to make a bold and scary decision… but one that I knew in my heart I needed to make.

Once I made the decision that I would listen to inner guidance, I did not know how it was going to work. I just knew that I was going to point myself in the direction of figuring it out.

But that is the cool part about spirituality and following your inner guidance… it is not necessarily up to us to figure out the “how.” We HAVE help!

Our job is to follow our inner guidance.

Somehow… magically… opportunities open up.

Places your eyes need to land, they land.

People who you need to meet, you meet.

It is our job to open our heart and trust.

To believe.

To surrender control and allow us to be guided.

And when we do that, miracles happen.

Those miracles are often dressed up or disguised as coincidence and happenstance, but do not be fooled.

Fast forward: C.R.E.A.T.E. is the LLC I founded earlier this year.

C.R.E.A.T.E. takes the best of ALL of me.

All my experiences.

All my learning.

All my failures.

All my triumphs.

C.R.E.A.T.E. combines it ALL into a spiritual, manifestational, strategic, step-by-step process for women who desire to create the life of their dreams.

It is both magical and practical.

It is black and white and gray all over.

I am officially announcing it to the world…

World, meet my heart.


Please stay tuned for the entire series:

  • Group Coaching

  • Digital course

  • Book

  • Journal

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Beth Karpinski

Founder of C.R.E.A.T.E.

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C.R.E.A.T.E. is for women who are sick of playing a support role in their own life and are ready to become the lead actress & director!

There is nothing you cannot have. There are no limitations. Just keep manifesting!

~Beth Karpinski


"Experiencing C.R.E.A.T.E was life-changing for me. It clarified a path for me to take and that I truly had a purpose or even purposes left to realize."

Mary Ann B.

"I came into this group coaching course with a baseline idea of manifestation, law of attraction, etc - but Beth has helped me understand on a deeper and more relatable level!! Her format for CREATE-ing the business and life of your dreams is simple to understand and implement!! I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in the group course - Beth has a true heart for helping people stay aligned with their inner guidance and seeing them succeed!!!"

Taylor W.