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Life After Divorce: Grieving the Loss of the Life You Thought You’d Have

July 18, 20243 min read

Divorce. The word itself carries a weight that can feel insurmountable. Many of the women I work with share that it’s often more than just the end of a marriage—it’s the unraveling of dreams, the shattering of expectations, and the redefining of identity.

When the life we’ve envisioned slips through our fingers, it can oftentimes be the most devastating part of a divorce… grieving the loss of the life we thought we would have.

We remember the early days—the ones filled with hopes and promises. At that point, we believed in forever, in building a family that was picturesque. We imagined cozy Sunday mornings snuggling all together, family vacations, and bedtime stories. We painted a vivid picture of what we wanted our family to be—a masterpiece of love, laughter, and shared memories.

But life doesn’t always follow the path we planned. When divorce knocks on our door, it brings with it a tidal wave of emotions. We mourn not only the loss of a partner but also the loss of that dream vision—the life we thought we’d have. It’s okay to grieve. In fact, it’s necessary.

As women, we particularly carry guilt for these lost dreams. We wonder if we’ve failed our children by not providing the idyllic family life we envisioned. We question our choices, our worth, and our ability to create stability. But here’s the truth: letting go of the dream vision doesn’t mean we’ve failed. It means we’re adapting, surviving, and ultimately thriving. It means that we need to be intentional about building a new dream life… this time with more life experience to draw from.

Give yourself permission to grieve. Acknowledge the pain, the disappointment, and the shattered dreams. It’s okay to mourn what could have been. However, I want to stress something that is really important. Be intentional not to dwell on what’s lost and try to focus on what the possibilities are for a new future. A second chance to rebuild life as you desire.

Perhaps your children witness resilience—the ability to rise after a fall. Maybe they learn that life isn’t about perfection but about growth. Maybe they learn that even during very difficult times… people can be respectful, even when they are hurt. Maybe YOU now have the opportunity to be more precise about what you want in life, and what you do not want. If you are starting over… it’s a great time to evaluate what/who gets to stay, and what/who no longer serves you. Maybe you get a second chance to be very specific about what a life partner means to you… how they treat you, and how they make you feel. And as you let go of the vision you held for your family; you can now begin to create space for new possibilities. Who knows what beautiful surprises await?

So… my advice to you? Lean on your tribe—the friends who know what you’re going through, who hold your hand during the hard moments, and cheer for your victories. If you don’t have a tribe, create one. (If you don’t know where to start, message me and I have you covered.) During this time, it is extremely important for women to come together, share stories, encouragement, and wisdom. Community reminds us that we’re not alone in this journey.

Allow others to support you—emotionally, practically, and spiritually. It’s not weakness; it’s strength. And sometimes, letting things be easy is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

Dear woman navigating divorce, you’re not alone. Your grief is valid, your dreams matter, and your resilience is awe-inspiring. As you release the dream vision you thought your life would be, know that you’re creating space for a new chapter—one filled with unexpected joys, growth, and love.

Reach out, breathe, and embrace the messy beauty of life after divorce.

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Beth Karpinski

Founder of C.R.E.A.T.E.

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C.R.E.A.T.E. is for women who are sick of playing a support role in their own life and are ready to become the lead actress & director!

There is nothing you cannot have. There are no limitations. Just keep manifesting!

~Beth Karpinski


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"I came into this group coaching course with a baseline idea of manifestation, law of attraction, etc - but Beth has helped me understand on a deeper and more relatable level!! Her format for CREATE-ing the business and life of your dreams is simple to understand and implement!! I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in the group course - Beth has a true heart for helping people stay aligned with their inner guidance and seeing them succeed!!!"

Taylor W.